Innigo Libels

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Libels Free Barbershop

Libels Free Barbershop

15 Senior High School Surabaya has a rule about hair.Male students at this school must have presentable hair (according to the teacher whises).Male student must have 123 rule for their hair,(1 mm for the side part,2 mm for the middle part,and 3 mm for the top part).

Usually,every flag ceremony at monday there are some teachers come around and visiting every student classes and watch for their hair,if their hair doesnt obey the 123 rules they must go to the fornt of the row and must stay until the teacher cut their hair and make their hair presentable (for the teacher).

Actually,There is no relation between hair style and students Intelligence.Indonesia has the hair rules for students is when Orde Baru era and that is because the President doesnt like long hair,so he makes rule for that.

But now,We live at Reformation era and let's end this old habit and let the human right owned for all students.

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Wkwk Nice one

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Wkwk Nice one

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foto ae sampek stealing wkwk

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wow, it is very useful to save money

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Entering mr eko

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So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article

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