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The Greatest Night at Liberty 2019

The Greatest Night at Liberty 2019

Libels Party, or what people usually called Liberty, is one of Libels' annual event. This year, Liberty was held on 15th of November at Jatim Expo Convention Hall bringing the theme of "Aetherealm" meaning a world of fantasy.

The event was very lively, the audience are not just limited by teens, but all generation get to enjoy Liberty. The guest stars are also very special, such as Reality club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. The antusiasm of the crowd also helps the means of the event. Besides, there are also food and drink stands to relieve you from hunger and thirst.

I just wanna say thanks to all the commitee that have made Liberty such a success, and i hope Liberty will continue to success in the upcoming year.

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So amazing, don't forget to follback and comment my article. Thank you

18 Nov


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