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Sipnosis Penulis : Helen Eliora S. Sekolah : SDK TIRTAMARTA BPK PENABUR Jenis Buku : Novel Sipnosis: Aiden was a regular teen kid who had a normal life until something unnatural happened to them. Aiden didn’t know that someone gave them a necklace that is actually given from another universe. The necklace makes Aiden have a hallucination of a rip in the area that looks like a mini-milkyway. It started when Via and Aiden were playing chase in the park as Aiden soon stopped chasing when they saw the rip on the grass. Via then asked Aiden what he was looking at and said that it was just their imagination. The two friends soon parted as the day gets darker, Aiden went home and greeted his family. He then went straight to his bedroom, Aiden looked into the mirror and sighed. Aiden was tired so they decided to take a nap, few hours later Aiden woke up and yawned to see the clock as it’s dinner time. He ran downstairs to see whats dinner but no one was there. He looked around his house as there was only empty-ness. Aiden then noticed again a bigger rip on the wall that is more shiny. He then ran into the rip without hesitation and with no sign of fear. In another moment he felt wind in their hair and opened their eyes to see themself just falling from the sky. What will happen next? Read the book to find out! Outline : 1. Where it all started 2. Meeting new faces 3. The Necklace 4. Academy 5. New-Normal 6. “I don’t know how to fight.” 7. Dorms 8. Morning Chaos 9. The Real Story 10. Adventure begins! 11. Captured 12. The Tower 13. Isn’t what it seems 14. Peace 15. The End is The new Beggining
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