Imanullah Rafi - Libels

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LIBELS SET a brand new RECORD!

Last weekday (11/15) SMAN 15 Surabaya destroyed the JX International expo with its proud annual event, Libels Party 2K19. This event is the last event given by OSIS-MPK 2018-2019 period. LEO 2K19 and Libels Cup 2K19 are events that precede Liberty. this era may be a comeback period that brought back the name of this favorite highschool within the eyes of the individuals of Surabaya when the previous year experienced a down purpose.

It is general knowledge, SMAN 15 Surabaya isn't any longer afraid to pay many millions simply to ask artists. Our loyalty and pride for this school is implanted, thus it feels obligated to provide our greatest for Libels.

Liberty 2K19 is enlivened by 3 musicians with three totally different eras. Warming up by the looks of indie rock group from Jakarta, Reality Club. additionally there's Kahitna and one and solely God Father of Broken Heart Didi Kempot.

After Fathia Izzati and her band managed to draw in the eye of the audience, Takkan Terganti song began to be sung by Kahitna. "Tonight, let's cite love," Hedi Yunus same when singing his initial song. Suddenly, the audience screamed hysterically. The screams became a lot of hysterical as a result of Kahitna attracted feminine audiences to travel onstage to sing once Tak Sebebas Merpati song. All teams as well as millennials were stunned once Kahitna closed the performance with Cantik song.

The party isn't over, Didi Kempot because the closing guest star of Liberty 2K19 managed to destroy the complete JX International expo. the keenness of the audience extremely created the committee feel happy and every one fatigue is paid. The Pamer Bojo song sung by Didi Kempot along with his choirs formally closed this exciting night at Liberty 2K19.

Liberty also held a contest for band and solo music competition which is open to all within the age restriction.

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