Food With A Habit Changing Ability
Today were gonna look inside at one of the most popular school in Surabaya called Libels from the culinary scope. It is about a food named tahu bakso which is being sold at the school kobasis.
What even is tahu bakso that we are currently talking about ? Quoting the wikipedia " tahu bakso is one of the most popular foods in the Ungaran region but it is not clear where this food came from. It is said that this meatball was brought in by the chinese. The basic ingredients are tofu filled with meatballs dough".
Why is this particular tahu bakso so special ? This answer will also explain why i titled the text food with a habit changing ability. So in our school there was two break period which is the only time we are allowed to buy food from the canteen or the kobasis, the first break is at 9.45 am but if you want to get your hand in one of these tahu bakso you must go earlier than that because it always sold out at 8.15 am, technically you were'nt allowed but the students rushed to kobasis at the gap between lesson just to buy some. before that students usually prep for the next lesson, open phone, or take a little nap as a habit changed into a daily race that is how crazy it is students breaking the rules just to get a tahu bakso.
Who's behind this phenomenal tahu bakso ?
Are there another place where she / he selling except at libels ?
how to make such delicious tahu bakso ?
is there a secret formula ?
these are the question i cant answer because my lack of research, hopefully i will edit this post after i know more after asking to some source, but certainly if you want to buy some delicious tahu bakso you can go to Libels kobasis and get it for only Rp-3000/pcs (chili sauce included)
ps : this post is not sponsored neither is an endorsement

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great shoul!
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Awkarin have a wing, SEMRIWING! Nice nice nice
nice one
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Good job
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Oh! Wow!
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