Everything You Missed from Liberty 2019
The 2019 Liberty was held on the 15th of November at Jatim Expo International Convention Exhibition Surabaya and it certainly was spectacular. This year's theme was "Aetherealm".
This year was hosted by DJ FM and GEN FM. They presented dazzling peformances and special stages from many beloved artists such as Reality Club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot.
The show opened with performances solo vocal competition winners, band competition winners, and performances from extracurricular Libels, such as Saman Queen, Belstrada, Karawitan, and Anabel.

With no time to waste , Reality Club hit the stage with their indie pop song. They performed songs titled Elastic Hearts, Alexandra and many more. Their stage was incredible for a rookie band.

Next up was one of Indonesia's favourite music group, Kahitna. They sang their popular songs, such as Cantik, Tak Sebebas Merpati, and Mantan. The crowd was wowed by their performed.

At last, it was time for Didi Kempot. He graced us with his presence as he delivered song with his characteristic vocals.

The art performance called Liberty 2019 with the theme "Aetherealm" presents not only artists on stage but also a bazar arena for the public. Even there are paintings exhibition made by 36 classes from SMAN 15 Surabaya.
"Seems like this Liberty event has always improved from year to year, and I can't wait to see what the next theme will be", said Dyah Ratih, student of SMAN 15 Surabaya.

Cr : @giffahryglh @rudystwn.jpg @galeritheiah
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Thank you for the article! It reminds me about the whole performances in Liberty 2019
I like Reality Club! Liberty is amazing!!
So amazing, don't forget to follback and comment my article. Thank you
what a shame you didn't join in, If you join you will definitely be able to feel the euphoria
i'm looking forward to liberty 2k20!
Wow! That's so spectacular!!
Omg Amazing!!!
Nice information
It's too bad that I couldn't join this year's liberty, seems like a really nice event indeed!
Come on join to liberty 2k20
See u at liberty 2k20:)