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The Ambyar Event

The Ambyar Event

The celebration of SMAN 15 Surabaya Art Performance took place lively. The event which took place on Friday (11/15) night was successful in bringing thousands of spectators in the Surabaya East Java Expo area. Liberty is an annual event at SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya, this event always holds music concerts that always bring guest stars who will really enliven the event. Guest stars that will be displayed include:

1. Reality Club

2. Kahitna

3. Didi Kempot

The first appearance of the LIBERTY 2k19 event was opened with performances by the winners of solo vocal competitions, the winners of the band competition, and performances from extracurriculars, such as Saman Queen, Karawitan, Anabel and others.

At the time of the last guest star, Didi Kempot, with songs that are currently popular, makes everyone sing and sway with all their hearts, whose fans' names are called 'Sobat Ambyar'. He performed Cidro, Banyu Langit, Pamer Bojo, etc. He ended LIBERTY 2k19 by singing another Pamer Bojo again for his chant 'Cendol Dawet' which made the fans and other spectators more pleasant and satisfied because they could sway with the singer directly that night. So, for those of you who didn't come to LIBERTY 2k19, you must be very disappointed.

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