Environmentally Friendly School
SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya, or commonly called LIBELS, is one of the State High Schools in the City of Surabaya, East Java Province, Indonesia. SMAN 15 Surabaya is an environmentally friendly school, a place where students get all the knowledge, norms and ethics in life that do not forget the importance of responsibility in protecting the environment. Same as high school in general in Indonesia, the school education period at SMAN 15 Surabaya takes three years, starting from Class X to Class XII. SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya has given the right path and became the initial pillar in educating students to care for the environment.
What is the method used by SMAN 15 Surabaya to create an environmentally friendly school ?
By inviting students to participate in protecting the environment around the school. In order to always be kept clean and protected from various diseases that exist.
Then how important is the environmentally friendly school ? very important. Why ? Because environmentally friendly schools such as in SMAN 15 Surabaya have significant benefits. As we all know, environmentally friendly schools make teaching and learning activities more comfortable and enjoyable. Schools play an active role in creating a region that cares about the environment so students are aware of the importance of the environment. Students also get many positive benefits because environmental programs such as the Adiwiyata School program can accustom students' attitudes to dispose of trash in their place, sorting out trash, and additional knowledge about environmental skills that have become the main subjects at SMAN 15 Surabaya. The purpose of the school is that students from school until after graduation do not only have knowledge about the environment but they must be able to take concrete action in environmental preservation.
Therefore, it is fitting for schools throughout Indonesia to become environmentally friendly as in SMAN 15 Surabaya. So that teaching and learning activities become more comfortable, fun and create people who are more concerned about the environment. Because the environment is closely related to human life. If not from now, when? if not us, who else? Do the best for the future with green school. Create a clean environment of self for the country.
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Lovely environment :"))
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nice one!
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yang komen disini tolong follow saya
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wow! good job dude
Oh oke !!! thank u sist
Oh oke !!! thank u sist
Oh oke !!! thank u sist
Oh oke !!! thank u sist
Oh oke !!! thank u sist
wow! good job dude
Good job brother
great work!
Nice Try
Nice job !!!
good article!!
good article!!
Thank u very much
Thx u flower
Amazing! Great article!
This is a very good article
Such a nice place!!! Great article bro!!
Thank u
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nice article