A Marvelous Night
The annual event of Fifteen Public Senior High School named Liberty held at the Jatim Expo International Convention Hall on Friday , November 15, 2019. This year’s Libels Party had the theme of Aetherealm. Sadam Bagaswara (XII-1) as a chairman of the Libels Party 2k19 explained the meaning of Aetherealm comes from Greek which means the world of fantasy. He revealed that art is everything as freely as humans think or imagine. Something that is interesting or even has never existed. “Earth without art is just EH” like these quotes, every person both old and young must have a different fantasy art. That difference makes this earth more beautiful and colorful. This is proven from the guest stars who enliven this Liberty 2k19. They were Reality Club, Didi Kempot, and Kahitna as a super guest star on this year’s Liberty.
Open gate starts at 3 pm. There were reality club fans, Sobat Ambyar, and Soul Mates have begun to arrive. The peak is at 8 pm, the queue outside the venue was very long. Impatient faces can be seen from the visitors.
This year's Liberty concert was really lively.
“Liberty 2k19 was really awesome and lit. I am very proud of the students of SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya who are on the committee. Their thoughts was very great by brought the artists who are booming and can be enjoyed by all ages.”, said Mrs. Heruwati as a teacher of Fifteen Public Senior High School. What the teacher said is true. Evident from the audience in which there were millennials young people until the mothers & fathers, all parents & grandparents who came together to watch in VIP seats.
The concept was different from previous years. Reality Club as the first band that performs to bring modern music which is welcomed by young people. Continued by Kahitna with their legendary songs as if the songs never die over time.
All of the audience lost and danced when Didi Kempot sang the songs Cidro, Suket Teki, Kalung Emas, and Pamer Bojo (Cendol Dawet) which were being viral at the peak of the event.
“All of the committee members are very professional. I really enjoy and proud of the younger generation who still like Javanese songs in the current globalization. They are preserving Indonesian cultures. Very-very ‘ambyar’. Thank you Libels, I pray that the students will become great people later! " Said Didi Kempot.
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