Ghifari Ramadhan LIBELS

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Liberty Experience 2k19

Liberty Experience 2k19

After school, precisely on Friday November 15 2019, my friends and I planned to prepare for the party tonight. We agree that gather first in front of the school at three o'clock in the afternoon. I went home first to prepare, then returned to school.

In front of the school, at three o'clock it was still half the friends who came, so we had to wait for the others. While waiting we tried to evoke euphoria by playing playing cards on the roadside. The game I really like is the twenty-four game. We have to find out how to get the four numbers on the selected card to generate numbers using only mathematical operations. The operation is only added, less, times, divided. While waiting and playing, we got word that there was someone from us who was still not getting ready. So we delay and depart at 15.45, forty-five minutes late than planned. On the trip, it was very jammed and there was one of us who had to fill his motorcycle tank with gasoline because the indications were showing up. To get there, namely East Java Expo, we parked in the basement. After that, I went straight to the mosque because the maghrib prayer was heard. We pray in congregation. Actually I was very hungry at that time and saw a tegal stall, but many friends did not want to eat.

We walked from the mosque to the East Java expo for about a hundred meters. Arriving at the lobby, we immediately prepared our tickets. Before entering, we were examined by the whole body guard or liberty committee. We are safe and welcome. Before entering the festival, I passed the road that described the theme of Liberty, which is Aetherealm. In the corner there is a ticket place, where we can buy tickets on the spot for 120 thousand rupiah.

At the entrance and ticket exchange, we were given free milk boxes and relax candies and stamps on the neck. How cool. The first part, we passed the crowded booths, ranging from food, drinks, snacks, clothes, stickers, accessories, merchandise, and even educational booths. Upstairs there is a photobooth to be able to take pictures with classmates. I felt a tremendous excitement. After that, we want free ice cream, but the conditions must be post to Instagram. So, friends don't get free ice cream, because they are lazy to upload.

After browsing through all the booths, we finally looked for the right place to enjoy the guest star events and concerts later. We initially chose a place in the painting section, but the committee forbade it. Even though we won one school painting competition. In the end, we chose a place in the west like Liberty last year. We are waiting for the presence of guest stars, we see a variety of talents of high school students 15 Surabaya, from dance to music. Then, there were also performances from bands and vocal solos who won the libels race event.

After the awaited time, reality club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot appear in succession. Everything is very lively. The audience sang along and did not forget to turn on the flashlight. My favorite is Didi Kempot. Every song in his camp made me sing and dance, until someone got on the shoulders of his friend. Very exciting.

After finishing the concert, we went to look for angkringan in the middle of the night. After that, I go home so that tomorrow I am ready to face the Olympiads. Meanwhile, the other friends stay at Zul's house.

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