Libels Party 2k19
Liberty or commonly known as Libels Party is one of annual events at SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya. Liberty is in form of an Art Show which shows the potential of high school 15 Surabaya students. Liberty also presents Live Music which is filled by many famous artists.
In addition to the event, there are also food festivals, Photobooth and painting exhibitions made by students of SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya
This year, Libels Party was held on Friday 18 November 2019 and took place at JX International Surabaya. This year Liberty theme is Aetherealm. They invited three famous guest stars, as Kahitna, Reality Club and Didi Kempot.
Libels Party starts at 3 pm and finishes at 12 am. opening with the appearance of the Solo and Band winner competition. After that continued with extracurricular performances at SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya such as Saman, Angklung and Kolintang , and others
Guest star appears at 8 pm. First performance is Reality Club. They performed a song called Alexandra and closed their performance with Is It The Answer.
After that Kahitna went on stage. By bringing their distinctive songs, Kahitna can lead the audience to sing and enjoy together.
Series of events closed with the appearance of Didi Kempot. Many Sobat Ambyar (fans of Didi Kempot) have been waiting for his appearance from the afternoon. He performed the campursari-dangdut genre song which was loved by millennials. When performing Cendol Dawet, Sobat Ambyar really enjoyed it and danced happily.
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