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Liberty 2K19 -  Unforgettable Event

Liberty 2K19 - Unforgettable Event

Libels party or commonly called Liberty is an annual event organized by 15 Senior High School Surabaya. This year Liberty was held at JX International with the theme of Aetherealm.

This year, Liberty invited 3 famous singers namely Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. Not only that, some extracurricular owned by 15 Senior High School Surabaya also enlivened Liberty such as karawitan, saman dance and Java dance. And don't forget the food market that sells lots of good food.

Liberty became more and more lively. As the opening band of Liberty, Reality Club sang their indie song with good tunes. Afterwards, Kahitna performed by singing their love songs that were able to anesthetize all the audience to sing along. And the most eagerly awaited by the audience is "The Godfather of Broken Heart", Didi Kempot. When Didi Kempot started singing the song, the audience sang along and danced to the tune of his notes.

This year's Liberty was truly a success. Hopefully next year's liberty can be like this again. See you on Liberty 2020!!!!

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Liberty 2k19 definitely unforgetable!

17 Nov

my memorable night:') I was so happy there, I hope the best for liberty next year

18 Nov

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. So amazing, don't forget to follback and read my article. Thank you

18 Nov

liberty was amazing!

19 Nov

So memorable night!

19 Nov

Wow, liberty was amazing #ambyar

20 Nov

Wow! That's so spectacular!!

19 Nov


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