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LRC is one of the extracurricular activities at SMAN 15, this extracurricular is different from other extracurriculars because at LRC it explores its academic fields such as conducting research, making useful products that can be used for schools, and solving problems regarding research to be carried out together and mentored. by the assistant teacher. The assistant teacher at LRC is a teacher from SMAN 15 who teaches physics, he is named Mr Dodik.

The LRC teaches its members to develop their creativity and hone their scientific talents in the field of research.His research tries to do research that has been done so that it can be applied directly. After doing the research, the members write the results of their research and analyze the research and then discuss it with Mr Dodik. The LRC is held every Thursday after school and gather in the school hall

LRC has conducted various experiments such as,

1. Steam ship

2. smoke bombs

3. test the electrical content in the fruit

4. make the switch automatic

5. Make bridge sticks then test the bridge's resistance to the weight of objects to be given on the bridgew

6.waterket with buffering water pipes

The water rocket with a water pipe buffer is one of the products from the LRC shown on the extracurricular demonstration yesterday. The making of this water rocket is carried out in one month by an Lrc member and is always guided by Mr Dodik.

The water rocket with a pipe support can be functioned as previously pumped, it can be with a bicycle pump. Then the hook between the pipe and the bottle is removed then the water rocket glides into the air.

At the time the LRC was showing water rockets the juniors were surprised and amazed. This made the LRC members happy, able to display one of the products they made and to attract juniors to be able to join the lrc and be able to develop their talents in conducting experiments and being able to share knowledge with its members.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


good, follback

02 Oct

Good job fin

02 Oct

awesome extracurricular! anyway, good job!

02 Oct

So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back to my article

02 Oct

So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back to my article

02 Oct

So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back to my article

02 Oct

Good article

01 Oct

Nice Article, please follow back

02 Oct

Nice Article, please follow back

02 Oct

Nice Article, please follow back

02 Oct

Nice Article, please follow back

02 Oct

It's good article! I got new informations about libels from this

08 Oct

Wow cool!

07 Oct

Good job! great article!

09 Oct

great article!

03 Oct

keren kak

02 Oct

Nice article! Follback please

02 Oct

Nice fandi

02 Oct


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