Fidelia Berlian E. Libels

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Libels Warehouse Project

Libels Warehouse Project

Liberty became the last annual event in Senior High School 15 Surabaya. with this they don't want to make the last event fail. and proven Libels party (Liberty) 2019 is very spectacular.liberty is held 15 November 2019 at Jx convention and exhibition. liberty this year with the theme "antherealm" this year's committee succeeded in attracting viewers who may be far from their expectations. who doesn't want to see Kahitna, Didi Kempot and reality club .

Around 3000 audience attended that night. Complated with the food festival and Sunday market which increasingly makes Liberty 2019 really cool.

The first performance was opened by the Reality Club, many songs were sung by them but what was more awaited by the audience was "is it the answer" which they managed to bring with cool and closing their appearance at Liberty 2019.

The second performance was presented by the beautiful voice of Kahitna who managed to bewitch all Jx Expo visitors to join in singing their romance song. many songs were sung, there were beautiful, for me and many more. up to one moment where the personnel brought one audience to get on the stage where it made all the audience feel jealous of the girl's experience.

The most awaited guest star Didi Kempot. he got on stage at 22:00 making the entire audience stand up and get ready to sing with him. He highly appreciated the 2019 party libels who still wanted to preserve and love the folk songs. from Cidero to Pamer Bojo succeeded in making the audience of Jx sing and dance very energetically.

This year's Liberty was very memorable for all spectators both libels and extern audiences. You could say that Liberty this year was so successful that it made JX Expo full and almost all of them enjoyed the appearance of their guests. see you at Liberty 2020.

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