Ramadhan Cottage
Ramadhan cottage is one of the school event that aims to increase faith, devotion to god and also piety of students of SMA N 15 Surabaya. Especially teenagers nowadays who mostly think about their worldly life, but don't think about the afterlife.
Benefits of this programs can't be physically seen, perhaps more beneficial for the spiritual and religious. (if in the world when we attend the program we know what the benefits are, while the religion are not visible but in the future it will be seen).
Participants in this event are Muslim students from grade 10 and 11. This event was held during the month of Ramadhan, precisely 10-11 May 2019.
This year, it was held outside the school. This event was held in Sukolilo Hajj hostel.
The ones who responsible for this event were the headmaster of SMA N 15 Surabaya. Below him was the coach of SKI (Mr Faizin), the head of the committee and his staff.
Activities carried out during this event are a spiritual activities as the Qur'an reading test, dhuha and tahajjud prayer and also activities that build solidarity between the students.
This event requires careful preparation, approval from the party concerned, and effort to minimize errors.
In this event the participant changes for the better not from the committee, but from within the participants themselves. The committee can only give things that might make participants change themselves into better personalities.
Because this is the first year of the Ramadhan Cottage outside of school, there are still many shortcomings of this event, there are still many desires that have not yet been reached.
Hope in the future this event can be better than previous years.
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good jobb
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good jobb
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Bagus..cmn banyak iklan
wkwkwk thanks laa