Liberty 2k19 Memorable Party
At that night, friday night to be exact. At the JX International Convention Hall an event was being held. That event was held by SMAN 15 Surabaya annually and this was the 8th year of Liberty (Libels Party), as the event was called. The theme for this year was Aetherealm.
Liberty was filled with several bands and solo singers from the students, performances from several extracurricular of SMAN 15 Surabaya, including Karawitan, Saman dance, Anabel (angklung and kolintang), and Traditional dance, as well as three guest stars of different genres. First guest is Reality Club, music group with indie pop genre.Second guest is Kahitna, music group with a compelling mix of jazz, pop, fusion, latin, and ethnic music.
And the main guest was Didi Prasetyo or better known as Didi Kempot which is a Campursari singer who has a lot of fans who are usually called 'sobat ambyar'.
Not only enjoying the music, there is also a food festival and photo booth in the Hall. There was a lot kind of foods and drinks. Free ice cream was also available for visitors who were willing to promote their brand on social media. I did not want to waste any chance to take that free ice cream. After getting the ice cream I went around again in the food festival area and met with my English teacher who gave me the task of writing this article.
Finally reality club performed and brought some of their songs. After the reality club's performance there was Kahitna who brought their song and made many spectators sing along. And the closing of liberty that was awaited by many of his fans was Didi Kempot which made the Liberty even more lively because of the large number of spectators who sang and danced in tune with the music they brought.
Liberty in 2019 happened in my last year as a senior. This year's Liberty will be a memorable party, because of the many events that colored my last year in highschool.
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