Great Festivity - Liberty 2K19
Liberty is an event held by SMAN 15 Surabaya every year. Every year Liberty has a different theme, for this year Liberty adopt theme "AetherRealm" which symbolizes a magnificent world beyond the sky.
In Liberty there will be a concert that is attended by famous, talented singers and great performances from extracurricular Libels, that becomes the main attraction in Liberty.
This year's event was quite lively, because the visitors who came were very crowded, they came in droves to see their favorite artists and who would have thought this year would be as exciting as this.
Like a magical power that comes from nowhere and makes everything that happened at that time looked like a miracle.
They sing together, spend time together in enjoying the wonderful of Liberty this year, creating a new atmosphere and memories that will not be forgotten.
"The world is a strange and wonderful place".
- Liberty 2K19
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Liberty 2019 was really amazing!
amazing!!!! Liberty was totally great, I like the concept
So amazing, don't forget to follback and comment my article. Thank you
Me too it was very amazing
i agree with you, Liberty 2k19 was very lively!
Liberty 2k19 full with magic
Wow! That's so spectacular!!
Very Intriguing!
Liberty 2k19 very fantasy