Fardian M. R. Libels

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The Unfamous Sport

The Unfamous Sport

There are many extracurriculars in libels. One of them is LHC. What is LHC? LHC is the libels hockey club. Many people don't know what hockey is. Hockey is a game that is played by men or women by using sticks and balls. Many people always associate hockey with the ice rink. Even though not all hockey games use ice rink. In Indonesia, hockey consists of two, namely indoor and outdoor hockey. In terms of the game the two types are the same, the only difference is the place and time. Indoor hockey done in a closed field using a reflecting board with a time of 10x4 minutes while outdoor is done in an open field with a time of 15x4 minutes.

In Libels itself, hockey is a well-known extracurricular. This is proven by the large number of participants who took part in this extra. When viewed in terms of competition, hockey has quite a number of competitions including Pilwakot, UPI, Rescpec, and many more. The LHC often gets awards from these contests. Even though they did not occupy the first place, the experience and sense of family gained from these competitions could be felt by every LHC participant.

"In my opinion, the extracurricular Hockey or commonly called the LHC is an extra fun and quite addictive. Although sometimes it takes a lot of energy, none of that will be felt when shared together. "-Navis Faiq, one of the LHC players-

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02 Oct

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07 Oct

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02 Oct

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02 Oct

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01 Oct


01 Oct


01 Oct


01 Oct


01 Oct

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02 Oct

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02 Oct


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