Faizah Nili Nastiti

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Introducing my family

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Hi Guys, Introduction My Name Faizah

I Will tell about our life

My Family and i separated,there where those in Situbondo, Sidoarjo,and jakarta, but,every eid,our Family fathers together. Even though my Family and i meet once a year,we still communicator with each other using cellphones every day. We as a Family express our gratitude Alhamdulillah even though we are separated but we are still given health and smooth sustenance. We as a Family are still enthusiastic,even though we are separated,we do not stop praying for each other to be given health,long life,and smooth sustenance. We as a Family tell all of you whose families are separated too,you should never complain because you are not together,you just continue to be enthusiastic and pray to Allah to be given health,long life,and ease of sustenance. You don't ever be sad even though you Family is separated but your Family is separated but your Family is still there who separated from their families and had no one but they were still enthusiastic,kept getting up even though they had no one.

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