Our Green Libels
Every school from kindergarten to university must have at least one garden. Perhaps it is the most beautiful and eye-catching place on the entire school
In the garden, there are plants. As we all know plant have many benefits and one of them is it can produce oxygen. So with the existance of garden in school it can refresh the air that we inhale, and it will increase overall health.
our school garden was build a long time ago, when i wasn’t entered senior high school yet. It is located in front of teachers office. There is also fish pond complete with water fountain. When we walk to our classroom we will see the garden or some of us will passing by the garden. Not only in front of the teachers office, we also have garden on the side of main corridor.
“ i’m happy there are gardens in school, it refresh my mind when i felt tired and it cleanse the air” said Firdausie
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wow, so greaat
So amazing, don't forget to follback me
great article fir!
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http://rachelshelomitalibels.sasisabu.id/article/currency-of-libels-2937668 minta tlg di klik bentar & komennya yaa makasii
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Wow :)))
Wow :)))
amazing, but my article is better
Ayo liat artikel saya, ada giveaway iphone 11,syaratnya cuma follow gaes
So greatt!
Beautiful garden
Beautiful garden
Keep up the good work
ayo follow saya
ayo follow saya
Knock, knock , you have been visited by The guest of honor. Rated 5 out of 5. Keep up the good work!
I wish there'll be more plant in the future
Same wish
unfortunately some of the plants are dead :(
Ya, but most of them still alive and healthy
Ya, but most of them still alive and healthy
Nice on, keep going!!
Nice one, keep going!!
Great article! Would you please follback? and Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨
mampir ke artikel ku yuk sis
Green force !!