Liberty is an anual event that held by SMAN 15 Surabaya. This year, Liberty was held on 15 November at Jatim Expo. They invited Reallity Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot as their guest star at Liberty.
In Liberty there are not only concerts, but also they performs some of their ekskul, such as an angklung performance, traditional dance,etc. There is also a bazaar selling foods, drinks, and goods. There is even a free photobooth.
That night was very lively. Seen many people who come with their friends or with their girlfriend/boyfriend, even with their family. The crowd singing and dancing together. Seems like they really enjoyed the concert.
Even though it was late at night they were still exited at dancing and singing. Some even carried their friend on their shoulders. It was funny to see honestly.
I hope that Liberty is always as lively as this. Even though this year is my last year at senior high school, i will still come to Liberty to feel the euphoria that they give. I really enjoy Liberty this year.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Liberty 2019 was amazing!
I think liberty is a great to unwind
let's feel this euphoria!
yeah, i saw somany people come with their bf/gf
Make an euphoria again !!
You have to come to liberty next year
Wow! That's so spectacular!!