Fahruddin F Libels

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hey who's the guest star

hey who's the guest star

Party Libels or commonly called Liberty. Liberty is a performing art festival that is usually held once a year.This year liberty uses the theme AETHEREALM which comes from three words namely aether, ethereal, and realm which means a magnificent world beyond the sky.

Liberty this time brought 3 guest stars namely Reality Club, Didi Kempot, and Kahitna. Not only that there are also performances from extracurricular, solo vocals and band performances. In addition there are also fast food and merchandise.

So judging from the guest stars, we can conclude that there are several genres of music, let's start the Reality Club form, he is an indie rock-themed band where the band has a vocalist named Fathia Izzati who is popular on the YouTube channel.

Besides that there is Didi Kempot who is trending which has a fan named “Sobat Ambyar”. Where has the music genre "Campursari" which is preferred by many people in Indonesia.

And last of beyond is a Kahitna which was already in the world of Indonesian music from 1980 which is already known by many people. One of the songs is called "Cerita Cinta" which is the work of those who have reached 4.5 million viewers on YouTube video.

"Liberty 2k19 received many positive responses from various people who attended the event, besides that the audience was very interested and happy with the fullhouse concept applied in the event." response from one of the audience.

Hopefully next year, Liberty will repeat all the successes that achieved this year and hopefully this year's problems can be overcome for next year see U in Liberty 2k20

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