Fahruddin F Libels

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Different School In Surabaya

Different School In Surabaya

It is time to evaluate the need for space in schools, along with changes in the behavior of students, teachers and school managers. There is no school planning that considers the need for parking spaces for students, teachers, and managers. Planning products are still conventional, not yet anticipating developments, especially for schools in big cities.

SMAN 15 surabaya commonly known as libels. Where is the biggest school in Surabaya which has a large area of land for the size of a state school. The location is in Menanggal and directly bound to the city of Sidoarjo.I am a Libels student I am very proud and happy because this school has complete facilities. For example there is parking for all residents of the school where there is no other school.

At SMAN 15 surabaya has provided a location for students to park at school on the grounds it can reduce the number of students who are late for school, in addition to that it can reduce the number of congestion at the time of leaving and returning from school. In the application of parking is also very useful for students so they feel safe that their vehicles are in school, because most schools out there still do not provide a parking space for their students. So many students park outside the school where it is very unsafe.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Iyee eee . Good job !

30 Sep


08 Oct

Wow that's great

30 Sep


08 Oct

So amazing!

02 Oct


08 Oct

A great article!!

02 Oct


08 Oct

Good job jennifer!!!

02 Oct

Thy but my name cesi

08 Oct

Good job!

02 Oct


08 Oct

Great article! Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨

02 Oct


08 Oct


02 Oct


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