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The Aetherealm Liberty 2019

The Aetherealm Liberty 2019

Yesterday, January 15, 2019. SMAN 15 Surabaya (Libels) had an annual event that is usually held at the end of the year. The event's name is Liberty which stands for Libels party. The event was actually an art performance that was usually held by each school but with different names. Liberty this year choose the same place as last year, in Jatim Expo Surabaya. Where people who bought VIP ticket could get a seat and those who bought an ordinary ticket standing. The concept was reversed two years ago because the committee choose place at DBL arena that time where the seats were more than the place to stand, so the concept had to be reversed. This year, Liberty also carried the theme of Aetherealm and invited several interesting guest stars such as Reality clubs, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot.

You could say that the event last night was a huge success because the selection of the guest stars following the current trend. Especially, a lot of sobat ambyar (the name of Didi Kempot's fans) who came and bought VIP ticket to see their idol on the Liberty stage. Not only the art performance, but there was also many food and beverage booth inside the Jatim Expo which was perfect for those of you who are hungry and thirsty. In addition, there was also a photobooth provided by the committee for free on the 2nd floor but without printing. So the system is like this, open the link and insert the code who had given by the committee, after that download it by yourself in your mobile phone, so simple right?. There was also a paid photobooth beside the free photobooth if you wanted the photo to be printed. Besides that, aetherealm themed murals that had been made by each class before, displayed on the left side of the stage. The murals was for decoration and also a photo spot if you wanted to take a picture with the murals.

Of course the huge success of this event will encourage SMAN 15 Surabaya to make the next Liberty is bigger than Liberty this year. We can't wait for it.

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