New Student Card in Libels
At November 19, Vice Headmaster of SMAN 15 Surabaya, Mr. Zaenal Arifin, has shared the official Student Card for all student in Libels (designation of SMAN 15). According to him who was met after the event, he explain this student card have function to replace the last student card which is expired. There is a change in the design of this new student card that is the barcode on the back of the card.
According Mr. Zaenal, this barcode can student use at the student who entry the parking lot. Soon at parking lot there is a automatic crossbar. The student can scan this card to open the crossbar. And every student if scan the card will be charged. And soon Libels will have machine for top up the card. In the short, this card function is like e-toll card.
Beside of that the difference from this new student card lies in the cooperation of the school which is last year the school worked with one of the national banks, namely the Bank BNI. But they have not cooperated on student cards this year.
Finally, the difference lies in the format of students on the student card. Last year, the student card had the name, NIS, and place/date of birth. However, this year's student card uses the format of name, place/date of birth, home address and there is a signature from the school principal, Mr. Johanes Mardiyono, S. Pd, MM. , in bottom right corner.
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Great, fadhil!
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Suwon man
fun to read content
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Great dhil
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good job dhil
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A great article!!
A great article!!
A great article!!
A great article!!
A great article!!
A great article!!
A great article!!
A great article!!
A great article!!
A great article!!
A great article!!
A great article!!
A great article!!
Nice, good job bro!
Makasih wid
Good mas bro
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Good job and good luck broo!1!1!1!