Behind the excitement of Liberty 2k19
State of the art of "SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya" or commonly called Liberty 2k19 has been successful in the title on friday, 15 November 2019 ago. This year, Liberty raised the theme of the Aetheralm and was held at the Jatim Expo Surabaya. This year, Liberty really stole the attention of people who are very enthusiastic by selling out all the tickets.
This year Liberty invited 3 guest stars namely Reality Club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot. Beginning with the appearance of a number of extracurricular members from SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya, then there were performances from successful guest stars making this event very lively. Plus, the stage lighting tan that is stunning makes the event more memorable.
It turned out that behind the excitement of the Liberty 2k19 event, this event also benefits local residents by providing motorcycle or car parking. After being met by a local resident, he expressed his gratitude for this event. "Ya im very lucky, if there is, we residents around Jatim Expo can provide parking and get extra money," said one parking interpreter. By setting a price of Rp.5000,- for a motorbike and Rp.10.000,- for a car it feels quite helpful for them. The job of guarding parking is indeed not always available or seasonal. But still this work may be illegal from the legal side because the procurement without permission.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
very profitable
So amazing, don't forget to follback and read my article. Thank you
nice photos!
Wow! That's so spectacular!!