Eviana Alviz Libels

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Magnificent Stage of Liberty 2K19!
And this year's Libels Party is ready to make you all fascinated by the beauty of our world @15libels

Magnificent Stage of Liberty 2K19!

The more familiar Libels Party called Liberty is the annual event of SMAN 15 Surabaya. From year to year Liberty always shows a different theme. Liberty always has a unique theme and has a deep meaning. For 2019, Liberty upholds the theme of Aetherealm which comes from three words; æther, ethereal, and realm. That means a magnificent world beyond the sky.

Every year Liberty always invites amazing guest stars. Even in previous years had invited foreign guest star. For 2019, the magnificent stage of Liberty will be shaked by three spectacular guest stars, Reality Club which is a band with indie rock songs that are very loved by teenagers, Kahitna which is a music group that often brings love songs and the most awaited guest by all ages, and the last is Didi Kempot who made the troops "Sobat Ambyar" came to overwhelm Liberty's venue to "Mengambyar" together.

TGIF! Yep, Liberty was held on Friday November 15, 2019 at the Jatim Expo. Tickets sold consist of five categories, namely early bird, presale 1, presale 2, VIP and OTS. Open gate starts at 3 pm and close gate at 8 pm. The amazing thing is that all five ticket categories have been sold out. This shows that the enthusiasm of Surabaya citizens is very high to attend Liberty.

Liberty isn't the only event that invites guest stars. But Liberty also holds bands and solo vocal competitions for teenagers who are interested and talented in music. The auditions began in October and were attended by many participants. Champion band won 2nd place by the Aurum Band and Maximize Band won first place. While the winner of solo vocal competition was won by Sharla Alisha and the first winner was won by Clarissa Aurelia. They will sing at Liberty shortly after the open gate. So, the audience who arrived at the beginning were very lucky to be able to enjoy the offerings of the band and solo vocal champions.

What's interesting about Liberty itself is the various activities organized by the Liberty's committees for Libelsian in order to welcome Liberty, so that Liberty's euphoria has been felt since before the peak event on November 15, 2019. One of the activities carried out is the turning of BES.FM radio every Monday to Thursday which is always shocking Libels speakers at every second break. What's fun is that Libelsian can send messages to other Libelsian that will be delivered by the committees through BES.FM so that all Libels can hear it too. Not only that, BES.FM also played songs from Liberty guest stars and also requests from Libelsian. Besides BES.FM, another activity held by the committees was the "Mural" competition which was mandatory for all classes in Libels. In this Mur, we are required to paint the theme of the world of imagination on plywood media. For me, this competition has its own excitement because me and my classmates are very eager to make beautiful paintings in hopes of becoming champions like the previous year. I am sure the other classes are equally enthusiastic, it is proven by their beautiful works. What's more, all the Murals made were displayed next to the presale arena so that all viewers who were attend at Liberty could see our work, Libelsian.

Congratulations to the organizers of Liberty 2K19 for their achievements and also not forgetting all elements of Libels citizens who have helped make it a success! See you on Liberty 2K20!

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So amazing, don't forget to follback and comment my article. Thank you

18 Nov


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