Eviana Alviz Libels

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Everything ANABEL does
Work hard, play hard.

Everything ANABEL does

Anabel is so familiar in our ears. For those who don't know yet, Anabel is one of the Libels extracurricular engaged in the arts, especially music. Anabel itself is an acronym of "Angklung Ansambel Libels". The instrument that was played was not only angklung, but also kolintang. Each time playing a song, there are at least ten people who play angklung and eight people who play kolintang. Angklung players consist of tenth grade students and eleventh grade students, while kolintang players consist of eleventh grade students who have passed the selection. What are their activities? Let's find out in the next paragraph.

Like other extracurriculars, Anabel also has a regular training schedule. Friska Adisti, as one of the kolintang player in Anabel said that Anabel's routine training was held once a week, every Saturday, for two hours. Starting from ten o'clock until twelve o'clock. However, if the school is holding a midterm or end-of-semester exams, routine training is canceled. In every training, Anabel was attended by more than ten people. And each meeting, they play around two songs, both of them can be folk songs or also one folk song and one pop song. In their routine training, Anabel is usually trained by senior player, but if there is a certain event, then anabel calls someone specifically to train Anabel.

Anabel not only do routine training. They are also active in various events inside and outside the school. The events in the school they have attended include LIMIT, FIRST, LEO, LIBERTY, graduation for 12th grade students, extracurricular demonstration, and many more. Extracurricular demonstration is a good time to introduce how attractive Anabel to new students so they have the feel to join Anabel.

Besides events at school, Anabel also attends events outside the school. Whether it's a campus event or an institution event. Events outside the school that Anabel has attended include BFI Finance event at Sutos, DENTINE that held by UNAIR, STATION and DAC that is a sub event from PRS (Pekan Raya Statistika) ITS and also Pestarakyat Youthpeace Festival Surabaya.

For your information, Anabel not only just doing routine training and attending events. They're also held a gathering event for Anabel's members. One example of the event is "BukBer" that held on Ramadhan month. Usually they choose the mall, restaurant, or one of the member's house to take a gathering. Anabel's birthday on eighth May which usually coincides with the month of Ramadhan, make Anabel held a "BukBer" while celebrating their birthday.

That's all Anabel's activities that i can tell you. If you still have curious though about Anabel, just go check them on instagram @libels_anabel and twitter @Libels_Anabel or maybe you can read other Libelsian's articles about Anabel.

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good, follback

02 Oct

Ok! Thank you!

02 Oct

Good job!

01 Oct

Thank you so much fio!

01 Oct

So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article

02 Oct

Ok! Thank you my friend!

02 Oct


01 Oct

Thank you my friend!

01 Oct

Good job , dont forget to follback and comment

06 Oct

OK! Thank you my friend!

09 Oct


01 Oct

Thank you my friend!

02 Oct


02 Oct

Thank you my friend!

02 Oct


01 Oct

Thank you ma friend!

01 Oct


01 Oct

Thank you so much ma friend

01 Oct


02 Oct

Thank you so much, felz!!

02 Oct

good job

02 Oct

Thank you my friend!

02 Oct

Knock, knock , you have been visited by The guest of honor. Rated 5 out of 5. Keep up the good work!

02 Oct

Thank you dimskii!

02 Oct

It's good article!! Good job, evi!

01 Oct

Thank you so much, my sis!

01 Oct

It's so awesome. Keep it up, evi!

03 Oct

Thank you so much my sis!

09 Oct

Good job my friend

01 Oct

Thank you so much my friend!

01 Oct

Good job my friend

01 Oct

Thank you so much my friend!

01 Oct


01 Oct

Thank you so much!

01 Oct

Very good articel

02 Oct

Thank you my friend!

02 Oct

Very good articel

02 Oct

Thank you my friend!

02 Oct

Nice dude!

02 Oct

Thank you bro!

02 Oct

Nice dude!

02 Oct

Thank you bro!

02 Oct

Nice dude!

02 Oct

Thank you bro!

02 Oct

Nice dude!

02 Oct

Thank you bro!

02 Oct

wow, good article

02 Oct

Thank you so much sis!

02 Oct

Good job !

01 Oct

Thank you my friend!

01 Oct

Such a goddess, u make it so well babe!

02 Oct

Oh my god, thank you so much babe!

02 Oct

Such a goddess, u make it so well babe!

02 Oct

Thank you 3000 babe!

02 Oct

such a good content! good job pwi!❤

01 Oct

Thank you so much cwiin! Love you ❤️

01 Oct

such a good content! good job pwi!❤

01 Oct

Thank you so much cwiin! Love you ❤️

01 Oct

such a good content! good job pwi!❤

01 Oct

Thank you so much cwiin! Love you ❤️

01 Oct

Good job deskmate

01 Oct

Thank you so much deskmate!

01 Oct

Good job deskmate

02 Oct

Thank you so much deskmate

02 Oct

A great article

01 Oct

Thank you so much my friend, love ya!

01 Oct

Where am i?

01 Oct


01 Oct

What a lol jokes

02 Oct


02 Oct


08 Oct

Thank you so much sis!

09 Oct

Very good article!!

02 Oct

Thank you my friend!

02 Oct

Thank you my friend!

02 Oct

Great article,please follow and comment in my article thanks

05 Oct

OK! Tank you my friend!

09 Oct


02 Oct

Thank you so much, my friend!

02 Oct


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