Liberty 2k19 - Joyfull
Liberty is an annual event that held by SMAN 15 Surabaya. This event is performing art event that showed many talents from Libels student and some local bands also invite guest stars from national band or singer.
This year, Liberty 2k19 theme was "AETHEREALM". Aetherealm comes from 3 words; æther, ethereal, and realm which means a magnificent world beyond the sky.
Liberty 2k19 was held on 15 November at Jatim Expo. They invited Reallity Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot as their guest star at Liberty. In Liberty there are not only concerts, but also a bazaar that sells foods, drinks, and merchandise. Moreover a photobooth.
That night was very lively. People came with friends, partners and family. The event started at 9 PM. With the first performance by Reality Club. Then followed by a second performance by Kahitna. And the event was closed by Didi Kempot perfomance.
Even though it was almost midnight the audience still enjoyed the program while singing and dancing to the song. The program ended at 12 PM and the visitors leave the venue in an orderly manner.
I hope that Liberty will always be lively and feature quality guest stars. Because this event is very difficult to forget. I really enjoyed Liberty this year
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Liberty 2019 was amazing
the concept of the event is absolutely amazing
So amazing, don't forget to follback and read my article.
liberty was memorable!
Good job!!
Liberty was memorable 2
that was an amazing show!
Didi Kempot is the best :)
Wow! That's so spectacular!!
Love you didi kempot
The best guest star ever!!
can't wait until the next liberty!
Great job