Student Parking Area
Motorized vehicles are a means of transportation that are easily found, obtained and used. In SMA 15 almost all students use motorized vehicles to school and SMAN 15 also provides a parking space for students who bring motorized vehicles.
Before providing parking for students, all students who do not have a SIM must park their vehicles outside the school. Some are in front of the school and some are left in the parking lot near the Bambe market. But the parking lot is not safe and there are a lot of things that are lost if left behind in the vehicle and there are not only goods but the vehicle is also prone to missing. In addition, parking in front of the school makes the streets jammed and many are late in coming due to traffic. So the school is looking for a solution to the problem by not allowing parking in front of the school. So all students who do not have a SIM, park their vehicles in the parking lot near Bambe Market.
But the problem of delays continues, which makes schools allow students who bring motorized vehicles but do not have a SIM to park at school. To regulate the school parking lot so that it does not look messy, the school divides the three parking lots in the east yard of the school building used to park 10th grade children, the western yard of the building for parking of 11th and 12th grade children, and the front yard of the school building for parking car.
In the parking lot, parking donation boxes are provided and anyone can fill any amount. The money in the donation box will be used to build a parking space in the school. With the implementation of the policy, students can get lessons to always be disciplined tidying up their goods and taught to give alms from an early age.
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