Dinar Ayra Safir Libels

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Liberty 2k19
cr: Instagram Kahitna

Liberty 2k19

Libels Party or commonly called Liberty is an annual art performance held by SMAN 15 Surabaya. For this year Libels - the nickname for SMAN 15 Surabaya, carries the theme of Aetherealm by inviting three guest stars namely Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. Not only, the stage is magnificent and the guest stars are cool, there is also a bazaar that is really okay to visit.

With the theme of Aetherealm, thousands of successful visitors were stunned by the concept of a very cool event. "In my opinion the three guest stars can be enjoyed by various groups ranging from young to old." Add one of the visitors there. The charm of the guest stars is very cool to make visitors enthusiastic until the end of the event. Didi Kempot managed to get all visitors to sing and dance along with his songs, dubbed "Ambyar" by people. Aetherealm Libels Party 2019 is really carried out nicely.

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