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SMAN 15 Surabaya are supporting the anti-smoking campaign by helding an event called #LungsOnTheRun. This event start at the afternoon on Monday, 27th May 2019. This event was attended by all the teachers, some government officials, a running community, and representative students. SMAN 15 Surabaya held this event hoping to raise awareness about the danger of smoking, especially for all their students. To start the event all the participants prayed together. Then all the paticipants started running together, they ran around SMAN 15 and Al Akbar Mosque. After a tiring run all the participants gathered at SMAN 15, then they continued the event by eating together. They eat together or Indonesian people call it " Buka Bersama " becacuse it happened to be ramadhan month.

After that the officials gave some lectures about the danger of smoking and what can it causes to the smokers and the people nearby, and then they closed the event with praying together. Danendra one of the student who attended the event says that "students have to know the danger of smoking and what can it cause to themselves, I really support this kind of event and i hope in the future there will be more event that increase not just anti-smoking awareness but maybe anti-drugs too". According to Danendra this event went smoothly and the message from the officials are easily accepted.

SMAN 15 Surabaya wanted to show that students health are they responsible too not just their grades, SMAN 15 or you can say Libels want all their students to be healthy and smart. Before the event occured SMAN 15 already painted their parking walls with anti-smoking messages, they hope the students who parked there can see and read the massages.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


good, follback

02 Oct

Wow nice information

30 Sep

good job samid

30 Sep

Woww nicee

01 Oct

Good , dont forget to follback and comment

02 Oct


02 Oct


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