An Unforgettable Night
Here it is, the biggest and the greatest higschool event in Surabaya. Liberty or Libels Party is an annual event held by SMAN 15 Surabaya, this year Liberty took place on Jatim Expo International Surabaya. The preparation took about 3 months and yesterday, Friday 15th November 2019 is the night we proved how great SMAN 15 Surabaya really is. The students did everything they could to publish about Liberty, they opened booth in so many restaurant & cafe, they use online selling tickets, they put posters on every school available in Surabaya. Then the day finally came, all the students are hyped up to see all the guest stars, especially Didi Kempot who people might call the Godfather Of Broken Heart. The other two guest stars are Reality Club and kahitna, this guest stars shows that SMAN 15 wanted to attract people from all generation not just teenagers. The show start at 4 PM with performance from the winner of band and solo vocal competion and then the performance from extracurricular SMAN 15 like Saman Queen, Libels Karawitan and Libels Anabel, the audience were already sitting in the front so they can saw the guest stars closely altough the guest stars start perform at 8 PM. Reality Club is the first to came out, they sang their top song wich is " Is It The Answer " and many other great songs. When Kahitna performed the audience get more noisy and more excited, Kahitna and the audience sang the legendary song " cantik " together. Didi Kempot get the most attention, the audience dance together throughout Didi Kempot's performance, The viral song like Cidro, Banyu Langit, and Pamer Bojo is the audience favourite. This wonderful night ended at midnight, all the students and audience took a picture to remember this unforgettable night. The committee stil had to do loading out, they stayed on JX till morning to clean the area. Lisa one of the audience said that this year Liberty is so fun to watch, but she's a little bit scared when Didi Kempot performed because the male audience started getting out of control. All members of SMAN 15 Surabaya should be proud with this year Liberty, especially to all the student committe who worked very hard.
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