Unexpected Liberty
I really did not expect this year's liberty will be the most memorable. At first I just thought that this year's liberty was just an annual routine like years ago. When my friends discussed about what clothes to wear or with whom to come to the liberty, I was just being silent, not interested to the topic that was being discussed.
Unexpectedly, when I arrived to Liberty last Friday, I became very excited. Starting from the spirit of looking for handsome boys, hunting for food, and the most memorable was when me and my friend -Alda- caught my classmates with their partners. We also followed them and took their photos secretly.
When the first guest star - Reality Club - performed, I wasn't too interested because I didn't know the artist. I actually ate on the second floor of Jatim Expo International. But when the second guest star -Kahitna- performed, I rushed forward to get the closest place to the stage.
I was so passionate to sing and take videos, even I immediately forget the tiredness on my feet. I became one with all the attendance there. Especially when Kahitna brought the song "Mantan Terindah," everyone screamed, appreciating the song, so it didn't feel like that was the end of the performance.
The last guest star - Didi Kempot - performed, I and Lita who were tired of singing, we went straight to the back of the area. Looking for a place to sit. While all the attendance were singing and dancing, I and Lita could only sit relaxed.
We also met our other classmate -Meyra-. I greeted her and she said "let's ambyar together." -"Ambyar" is a term for singing and dancing crazy when a song from Didi Kempot was sung. However, when Didi Kempot sang the song "Mundur Alon-alon" I immediately stood up and approached Mey "Come on, Mey! Let's dance together. I know this song." finally we closed the night with a sense of excitement.
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