LIBERTY 2019???
Who doesn't know about Liberty? Liberty is a concert every year which held by my school (15 Senior High School Sby) called Libels Party.
This year is my last Liberty as intern student. It means, it's been three years I've enjoyed Liberty.
On Liberty 2017, I performed a Modern Dance with my team, it called COSxLDC whose name has changed became Falcon (see my previous article!)
On Liberty 2018, I performed traditional dance with my team 'Javanese Dance' extracurricular. But on that year, my coach was on leave because there was something. So we just do exercise by ourself and prepare a dance only a while.
but on This year, Liberty 2019 i performed traditional dance again with my team Belstrada: Libels Traditional Dance (Javanese dance name has changed). We perform a Sorote Lintang dance. Sorote Lintang is a dance from Banyuwangi. We has been practicing for almost everyday to show the audience the best of we can do, and finally we did it! Although my extracurriculer without coach. I means, yeah I became a coach since August 2019.
There are 3 guest star on this year, Reality club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. All of them performed perfectly.
I hope, next year i still be a coach in Libels and be the Opening on Liberty 2020.

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Great !!
So amazing, don't forget to follback and comment my article. Thank you
Wow! That's so spectacular!!