As we all know, SMAN 15 Surabaya has a basketball team by the name XVB. In the Roman Numeric XV means 15 and the B stands for Basketball. The team practices and works hard to achieve their goals. In this segment we will witness as XVB face their own championship as the team of the host of Libels Cup. Libels Cup is a sports championship arranged by students of SMAN 15 Surabaya to appreciate sports as a whole. In this championship XVB aims to be the Champion.To achieve that goal, XVB must train hard. This training is done routinely. Even during Ramadhan they continue to give their best during training while fasting. Fasting isn't a reason for them to stop giving their best for the school. "Even during fasting we proceed to train, because it's the school holidays we are scheduled to train the morning and the evening, It's individual training in the mornings and game training in the evenings". Faishal said, XVB player, jersey number 26. Faishal also said that they are not just train in school, but they also get train outside school like thor court, Puncak Permai, al akbar mosque, etc. besides that, they also scheduled to have friendly game every week with the other school or basketball club.
According to the XVB Team, simply effort are not enough. It must be interspersed with praying to God and not forgetting also by doing good ‘Previously we held a training camp to strengthen the chemistry and also taught by Bunda Heru about doing good with others' said thierry, player xvb, jersey number 7. Several matches have ended, XVB proceeds to the finals and xvb managed to win his match against Petra 1 High School by xvb girls with a score 44 - 46 and SMAN 20 Surabaya by xvb boys with a score 32 - 56.They became couple champions ❤️Congratulation XVB!
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
congratulation XVB!
So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back to my article
good job XVB!! Congratss!!
dua tiga great article you should also see mine https://bit.ly/2o6ms09
btijbq, jika b = a maka...
nice article
Nice job xvb