Wonderful Night at Liberty 2k19
November, 15, 2019. Liberty 2k19. Such a pleasant night there. A very wonderful annual event. East Java Expo that was wide became full of people. From children, teenagers, even adults also came. If you didn't come to this event you would not feel the excitement. Accompanied by interesting guest stars, such as the Reality Club, Kahitna, and the ‘Lord of Broken Heart’ or Didi Kempot, changed an ordinary night to became a very unforgettable night.
Reality Club, the newly formed band is enough to make the audience felt happy. Moreover, the songs that were delivered by the band. The songs that are sung are suitable for teenager's these days.
Kahitna, who doesn't know Kahitna?. Music group formed in 1986 is very famous in Indonesia. Not only adults, teenagers also know the songs of Kahitna which are quite famous. The song that was sung also made the audience cheered, from 'Soulmate', 'Takkan Terganti', 'Cantik', 'Mantan Terindah', and others.
And finally the 'Lord of Broken Heart' or commonly called Didi Kempot. The singer from Central Java is so similar to Bruno Mars. Not only his face, his fame was also the same as Bruno Mars in Indonesia. The nickname for Didi Kempot fans is 'Sobat Ambyar'. The songs are suitable for people who are feeling heartbroken. Especially the dangdut lovers, all of them know the song from Didi Kempot. "I really like Didi Kempot's songs, because i can relate to all of his songs," said Yeriko.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
That was an amazing show!
this party was memorable
wahh bruno mars
Wow! That's so spectacular!!