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Liberty is an annual event organized by SMAN 15 Surabaya for the purpose of apreciate SMAN 15 Surabaya students talent and interest, and for the commitee to gaining experience about holding an event, such as how to manage time efficiently, how to get a sponsor to fund your event, how to talk confidently in front of someone else, etc.

A series of event that will be carried out is open gate from 15.00 until 20.00, continued by the appearance of the band competition winner and solo vocal vompetition, continued by the appearance of SMAN 15 Surabaya students extracurricular, and finished by the guest star appearance, that is reality club, kahitna, and didi kempot which is being held in jatim expo.

Libert 2K19 theme is "aetherealm" comes from three words; æther, ethereal, and realm. That is a magnificent word beyond the sky. The total count of Liberty 2K19 viewer is increasing at the rate of 50% from last year, from 1500 viewers to 3000 viewers. This is happening not without reason, it's happening because of the extraordinary guest star and the cozy venue place. This year Liberty is very memorable.

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