Cristin Libels

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Saturday Market and FNBS

Saturday Market and FNBS

Friday, November 15, 2019. Jx international convention center looks crowded at evening. From young people to adults seen filling the entrance. The crowd came to see their favorite artists in Liberty 2k19. Liberty 2k19 itself is an annual event held by SMAN 15 Surabaya. This event featured several talented and well-known local artists. This year in liberty 2k19 featured artists such as Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot who are very famous musicians nowaday.

Another interesting thing from Liberty 2k19 is Saturday Market and FNBS where there are various food and beverage stands, goods stands up to both photos. Everything that is sold there has gone through a selection phase, so it's not easy to sell there. And we can be sure that what is being sold is good quality product.

The presence of Saturday Market and FNBS was well received by visitors. This can be seen from the crowds of people who were there. Some stands even have a long line of buyers. The longest line is seen in one of the both photos there. That's because visitors want to capture their moments with friends and family.

From Saturday Market and FNBS in Liberty 2k19, it is expected to be able to introduce good quality local products that maybe not well known in public. And from Liberty 2019, we can appreciate good quality brands and talented local artists.

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