Cristin Libels

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Wednesday, 25 September 2019, students were seen entering SMAN 15 Surabaya hall. The time was 7:35 and the school bell rang. Slowly half of the room began to be filled by students. They sat in a circle and talked to each other. Up to 2 students started Doa Pagi activity by greeting all students.

This morning activity is called Doa Pagi, activities that are routinely done by SMAN 15 Surabaya Christian students . Doa Pagi is carried out every Tuesday until Friday at 07.35 until 08.00. The activity was started by praying together then reading the bible verses. The activity continued with sharing with each other about what they got from the Bible verses they read. At the end of the activity one person was chosen to share what was gained with all students. And the activity closed with a prayer together.

This activity has been carried out for many years in SMAN 15 Surabaya. Doa Pagi has become a culture in SMAN 15 Surabaya. Not only students, some Christian teachers also accompanied the activities.

This activity had a big positive influence for Christian students of SMAN 15 Surabaya. Students start their day with prayer and read the Bible verses. This will remind them of the manifestation of God and the good things that should be done. Through this activity, Christian students of SMAN 15 Surabaya can grow together in God and become positive influences in school. That is the purpose of holding Doa Pagi activities in sman 15 sby.

According to one Christian student, this activity is very useful for students, from this activity students can share what they got from the verses they read.

In addition, this activity makes the friendship relations between Christian students SMAN 15 Surabaya closer. They gather together from various classes and grades . This activity also encourages them to always do positive things.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Useful activities

30 Sep

You should go to pray everyday :)

01 Oct

Follback comment back tinn!!

03 Oct

Great article tin. Keep going

01 Oct

Waw it's so interesting

01 Oct

Sip mantol, yes we can...

30 Sep

That's Nice!!

30 Sep

Nice , follback and comment

03 Oct

Omg your article is so good I'm so interest to read this ❤️❤️❤️❤️

01 Oct


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