Libels Party or you may heard the other name, Liberty. Who doesn't know Liberty? Liberty is an annual event (art show) hosted by SMAN 15 Surabaya which presents so many talented artists and musicians. Liberty is not only famous on the teen circles, but also on the older ages.
Liberty has different themes for every year. "Counterfeit" and "Trippycal Aesthetic" were the last 2 years' themes. For this year, they used "Aetherealm" as the theme. Just like the previous year, Liberty was held at Jatim Expo but for this year it was held in Friday night September 15th.
This year's Liberty gave the audience a wonderful and unforgettable friday night with magnificent performances from Reality Club , Kahitna and also Didi kempot as the main guest stars of Liberty. The audience really enjoyed every performance. They sang along and when the time came for Didi Kempot to perform the crowd went crazy. It was a one fine friday night.
Liberty 2019 was such a wonderful art show. Behind the successful Liberty, there were struggles, ups and downs to make this event as success as it planned. Everyone's hoping for a much more wonderful Liberty for years to come.
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