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Rahadian Reza making an attack to UNSUR'S rim


DBL is an annual basketball tournament hosted by DBL itself and Honda. Honda DBL has the most prestige than any other basketball tournament. Almost every school in indonesia take part in this tournament. This tournament devided into some series such as DKI jakarta, Jambi, west java, central java, east java, etc. and for the east java series will be devided again into 2 region : north region and south region.

Libels which is stands for SMAN 15 Surabaya, included in the east java series north region. every year from the beginning until now, libels always brings out 2 teams, the boy and the girl team. But for this year, the boys team shines brighter. its been almost a decade since the last time libels goes to the playoffs round.

the journey wasn't easy. they've been through a lot. "the preparation for the DBL tournament takes a long time. it drains so much of our energy so that we got so tired. but we trust in each other that we can do this together. we have been through a lot, but we'll do it together.", said Sultan Ardiansyah, the captain of boys team.

The struggle is real. they practice almost everyday after school until 6pm or perhaps 7pm. The practice drill were so tiring. they had to run for 10 minutes straight or even 20 sometimes.they strengthen their calves and thigh so that they could be strong for the defense. they develop their fundamentals. The hardwork paid off. They brought home victory.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan



27 Sep

he uwes aku hoo

02 Oct


26 Sep


27 Sep


27 Sep

great job clar!!

26 Sep

Wow, that's so cool

27 Sep

Wow, that's so cool

27 Sep

Good job

29 Sep


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