Claire Annabel Kusumah

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Sypnosis - Claire IVB

Penulis : Claire Annabel KusumahSekolah : SDK Tirtamarta BPK Penabur Pondok IndahJenis Buku: Cerita Pendek


There was a rabbit named Brielle. She was the smallest rabbit you have ever seen. She and her family were looking for a new home. Her parents just passed away a few weeks ago. Brielle lived with her older brother, Duke and sister, Lizzie in the woods.

They went to the city try to find a new place but were caught and sold by a big guy who saw them in the park. Brielle was separated from her brother and sister. She was scared and lonely. Her owner was a little girl named Carrie that cared so much for Brielle. She fed her and played with her every single day. But Brielle missed her brother and sister so much and promised herself that one day, she would find them and be together again.

When Brielle got bigger, her owner knew that she had to let Brielle go. So Brielle searched and tried to look for her siblings in that big city. Crowded and lost, Brielle couldn’t find them. Then Brielle decided to go back in to the woods, waiting, hoping that her brother and sister would go back to the woods and find her.


1. Brielle the smallest rabbit.

2. The scary hunters.

3. Moving to the city.

4. Feeling lonely.

5. A new home for Brielle.

6. The farewell.

7. The adventure.

8. Back into the woods.

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