Prakata - Claire IVB
First of all, I would like to thank the Lord for everything that He has given me. Also to the teachers of SDK Tirtamarta BPK Penabur Pondok Indah as well as Kak Syaiful and Kak April from MediaGuru, thank you for the opportunity and encouragement that you all have given me. Last but not least, thanks to my mummy who helped me with my grammar.
I am really grateful I can finish writing this book, my very first book. I love animals so much that is why I chose the main character in this book is Brielle, the rabbit. I tried to imagine what would Brielle, a rabbit, do in her life. I was so excited when I wrote Brielle’s adventure, relationship with her siblings as well as Carrie, the girl who loved and took care of her, even her sadness and feeling when she missed her family so much. Well I guess I tried imagining Brielle acting both as a rabbit and myself as a human. Do not be afraid to write down your imaginations because someone else might love the story of your writings. I do hope everyone enjoy reading this book.
Thank you!
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