Claire Annabel Kusumah

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Once upon a time, there was a rabbit family that lived in the woods. There was a little rabbit named Brielle. She was the smallest rabbit you have ever seen. She lived with her parents and her big brother, Duke and her sister, Lizzie. She was the youngest in the family.

Brielle had beautiful white fur with a black spot on one of her eyes. She was different from any rabbits from her family. Her sister had grey fur and brown eyes. Her brother had light brown fur with floppy ears. She neither looked like her siblings nor her parents. But I think she was pretty and unique.

Every morning, she played with her siblings while waiting her parents to bring foods for them to eat. Brielle got along really well with her brother and sister. They rarely fought. In fact, they were best friends. They loved to play hide and seek. But she did not like hiding far from her house because she was scared she would get lost.

Her favourite food was carrot. She loved carrots so much. Even she was tiny but she could eat a lot. She hated for being small, smallest from any other rabbits on her age. Because she was small, she scared to do things by herself. Her dad always reminded her to be brave. But whenever she was in trouble, her siblings were always there to help and cheer her up.

Every night, her mum read her a bedtime story before sleep. She loved when her mum told about adventurous stories. Her favourite story was a brave girl who saved her family from the attacks of the BIG giants. For many times, she imagined that she was that brave girl, the hero who saved the day.

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