Robbery of Betrayal
Robbery of Betrayal
One day there is a person named Amelia Brown. Amelia is a #1 robber in her city, she steals money for her needs. She is also rich because of it. But her identity is still hidden…until she got bored of robbing the bank alone, so she decided to find a partner that will help her with the robbery.
She’s been searching for a friend for a few months, but no one wanted to help her. Until one day, a boy named Liam wanted to join him with the robbery. Then she agreed with excitement, without even stuttering. They had fun together, and Amelia knew that Liam was actually trying to help her, or was he?
Months has past, Amelia and Liam believed in magic, so they stopped robbing banks and tried to find more proof that magic was real, they readed many books, and one book has an answer to that. The cops has got information that they stopped to rob banks, and that got the cop nervous on what’s going to happen, the cop knew something was up.
After 2 weeks, they finally found the book. There is a way on getting magic..but it requires lots of time and hard work. A stone rock, it was never been found for the past million years. Maybe it was burried, who knows?
Amelia and Liam traveled very far to try and find it. Until they found a cave that has blue light, they got curious so they went in the cave. The cave was filled with fantasy, and that surprised them, so they went in to explore the cave. When they reached the end, they thought it was a dead end.
So they split up, and Liam found something, it was like a diamond. And instead of telling Amelia, he hid it from her. Amelia found nothing at the other side, and after that, they went back to robbing banks. Liam said to come and chill at the rooftop, and that’s when something bad will happen..when Amelia came, Liam said to look at the sky because he saw something suspicious. And when Amelia saw nothing, she looked back and realized that he is holding a gun. Then she realized it was the end, all the fun they had, is fake. His mission, was done.
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