My New Pet
Today after school Amanda got home with her test results which is 100, she told her mom and her mom told her that she can finally have a new pet. Amanda was so exited, and she chose a Bichon frise. she bought evrything the Bichon frise needed and even named her Halle, halle was happy too and after they got home, Amanda played with Halle, feed Halle's dinner and even slept with Halle. a few months passed by and when Aanda got back to school, Halle got sick and stayed in her bed the whole day, after Amanda got home she found out that Halle was sick and she got worried, and she insist Halle to rest in bed, until one day Halle gottened worse and even worse. Amanda found out she was sick but worse so Amanda and her mom took Halle to the vet and the doctor said she needed to go to surgery now, the docter said that they found out that Halle was pregnant the whole time and she has been suffering through pain and she is giving birth in about a few hours more.
after the surgery the doctor gave some news to Amanda and her mom that Halle passed away while giving birth, they were sad but happy too cause Halle gave birth to a beutiful and healthy baby, they both raised them just like how they raised Halle but they also missed and adored Halle so much,
They lived happily ever after, The End.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
wow so good Celine!
thank you im out of ideas yay!!
Um.. k?..