Volleyball Libels
Volleyball is a team sport where two teams consist of 6 active players, each team is separated by a net and each team is required to make points by dropping the ball on the opponent's pitch which is arranged according to the rules. there are also basic volleyball techniques, namely, under passing, over passing, service, smash, and block. Volleyball extracurricular at SMAN 15 surabaya or can be called volley libels, held once a week on Saturday morning at 7 am, located on the front volleyball court at SMAN 15 Surabaya, and accompanied by a coach named Mr. Eko and Haykal. With hard work and hard playing, finally Volley Libels won 2nd place in the Sis Cup event last year. Volley Libels consists of men's and women's volleyball, both of which have also been included in the semi-finals in the galas cup event last August. But unfortunately lost and did not enter the final.
"But we will not despair and will avenge our defeat in the next event." Said the captain. "It's true that we will be going even harder to be able to win the match, and to make the name SMAN 15 Surabaya proud." Said their coach.
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Okaiii done
Waa :v
good article!
cool ☺️
Wahh thanks caa
Ty muthiiii :)
Thx tann!!
Thank you fat!
Great article! Would you please follback? and Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨
Done babyy
Helloo nad :)
Good job livo!
Livo is libels voice not volley libels dio, u wrongg :v