Fantasy Night goes on Liberty
The biggest annual event of 15 shs, Libels party as known as Liberty was held again at Jatim International Expo Surabaya. Friday, November 16th 2019 many people have crowded Jatim Expo since afternoon because the open gate starts at 3 pm. Liberty this year is so interesting, because of our guest stars are so famous and gorgeous. From the third guest star, Reality Club, a band that's being popular in teenagers and adults. And then there's a second guest, a legendary band, Kahitna that consist of 9 members, they are Yovie Widianto, Bambang Purwono, Hedi Yunus, Carlo Saba, Mario Ginanjar, Dody Isniani, Harry Suhardirman, Budiana Nugraha, and Andrie Bayuadjie. So a lot of 'Soulmate', the term for Kahitna fans, who enthusiastically came. And the main guest star, the legendary who is on the rise with his 'ambyar' songs, Didi Kempot who invites the 'Sobat Ambyar' as a name for Didi Kempot fans.
Other then invites hits guest stars , Liberty this year also raised an interesting and unique concept of 'Aetherealm' with a fantasy world theme that is currently in high demand. The concept was strongly demonstrated through poster design, tickets, and venue arrangement on d-day.
Other than the perfect arrangement, the committee also prepared an unique foodfest stand, this year's festival provides many variations of menus with relevant prices. In addition to the menu, at the festival there are many photbooth stands, one of them is 180 degrees photobooth to capture your moments. At the festival, the committee also sells merchandise according to the aetherealm theme, filled by black and purple colors.
Opened with a performance from the band and a solo vocal then continued with an extracurricular performance from sman 15, then guest starts appeared at 8 pm with the first performance from the Reality Club that invited the millennials to sing together. The second performance, Kahitna, invites us to reminisce with their old songs that are easy listening in the ears of the audience. On the sidelines of the change of guest stars, usually the mc will gave away some gifts from sponsors which increased the euphoria of Liberty on that Friday night. The last performanced, that has been awaited by 'Ambyar' people,the god of broken hearts, Didi Kempot. He sang and make an interaction with the audiences, as seen as the audiences was dancing while singing dangdut songs from Didi Kempot.
Ended at 12 am, Liberty ended satisfactorily. As a 15 shs student, I'm very proud and enjoyed my last year event as a student.
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