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Liberty 2k19 : strange rules

Liberty 2k19 : strange rules

sman 15 surabaya annual event which is one of them Libels party or can be shortened to Liberty is a prestigious event that can be enjoyed by young people and the elderly. This year's Liberty was held on November 15, 2019 by inviting 3 top artists namely Kahitna, Reality Club, and Didi Kempot and the event was located in East Java Expo Surabaya. This prestigious event was attended by thousands of people from various walks of life. liberty event open gate at 15.00 and close gate at 20.00 with a maximum allowable to re-enter twice the opportunity

At that time there was a group of young people who came out of the event because they wanted to pray evening and returned to the event at 20.30. they have used the opportunity once to get out so they should still be able to enter and join the Liberty event. when they went to the entrance, the liberty committee blocked them and didn't allow them to enter, "sorry bro it's not allowed to enter because it's already closed gate" said one of the committees who guarded the door, all at once they were shocked and disappointed because before they were not told the rules between the hour of entry and exit, then they stand on the other side of the door and feel angry. then not long after that there was a husband and wife who had just bought tickets on the spot or commonly abbreviated as OTS, they were also not allowed into the event by the gatekeeper committee, "how is this committee so strange, tickets are still sold and can still be bought, why is it not allowed in, no logic at all the rules "said Mr. Budis, husband of Ika, the couple who just bought the ticket. then a group of young people came to the couple and complained about the same thing and there was a long debate between the audience with the liberty committee, then finally the committee decided to allow the audience to enter the event "well sir, books, and everything that had not been knowing about the rules of entry and exit of the event is allowed to rejoin the event, "said the event committee.

Indeed, a big event like that should have clear rules and try to inform the audience so that misunderstandings occur between the uninitiated audience and the committee. Large events like this are not easy to handle, it requires great patience and responsibility so that events like this can run well without problems.

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